
I've got a VirtualTopic with configuration selectorAware=true. I've realized
that you're basically forced to use the virtualSelectorCacheBrokerPlugin to
avoid getting offline consumers missing messages. I'm using a network of
brokers setup, with two nodes. The plugin only has support for file based
cache, and I suspect this wont work since both brokers will have its own
cache file. 

So, configuring a shared san made things better, but with a very strange
behaviour. The scenario is:

1. create the VirtualTopic
2. register a couple of consumer queues with different selectors, to the
3. post message to the VirtualTopic

Looking in the console some queues actually get the correct filtered
messages, while some other queues get all messages, without the filter being
applied. It's really random behaviour and I can't see any patterns.

Anybody experienced this? Is the plugin actually supposed to work in a nob


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