I have a project working on ActiveMQ. And I plan to migrate it to Artemis.
Therefore, on the test environment, I installed Artemis and get a situation
where the messages in one or the other queue "hang." This happens two to
three times a day in a random order and requires manual actions.
In this regard, it is very difficult for me to prepare a case for such a
situation. However, in each specific case, messages begin to accumulate in
the queue and at the same time there are consumers.

With ActiveMQ, no problems arise. Instances differ only by the broker.

If we talk about this particular case, then yes, in this queue, messages do
not appear with a frequency of 10 messages per second. However, they can
accumulate a few thousand, and no messages will be consumed.
In my opinion, this is a sign of slow consumers.

Sent from: http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/ActiveMQ-User-f2341805.html

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