I would like to set up an active passive broker pair and was unsure of what
to use for the networkConnector config settings. I can set up a connection
if i simply reference the other broker using a static url in my activemq.xml
for amq-broker1

                        <queue physicalName=">" />

But is this considered a master/slave pair or is this simply just a network
of brokers that will sync messages? What I would like is that amq-broker1 is
the master and amq-broker2 is the passive so that it only runs/becomes
active if amq-broker1 goes down. I tried using master slave but I get errors
because I only reference the slave (amq-broker2). I read somewhere that you
should not include the broker whose config you are setting in the list so
I'm not sure how to distingush amq-broker1 as master.

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