Hi All,

I am new to ActiveMQ. I have architectural question.

I have a Spring boot service that I want to scale horizontally in AWS.
This service goes to a partner API on a scheduled basis.
So we have a scheduler set up in Spring boot application.

The read from the partner API is based on number of events to be read,
Once the read is complete, we get a new watermark. We update the watermark
in the DB.

I wanted to have multiple containers that can go and read the messages using
these schedulers.
Now as these schedulers can wake up at the same time, there is a likelihood
that the same messages will be read at the same time.
My restriction is that I cannot process a given message one more time.
I do not want to use a DB locking mechanism (if I can avoid it the better).
I dnot have an option to have distributed cache or for that matter install
any other enterprise wide product.

I came across this feature within ActiveMQ. Perhaps I can use that.

I understand that I need to add something to the message header which is
But I am not sure how to generate a UUID for a given message that I have
Also not sure if the UUID generated will be consistent across all the
Also as the messages are going to be textual in nature can just get the
hashcode for this message and use it for duplicate message detection?

Thanking you in advance.

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