
Thanks a lot for the reply.
We have performed some tests and your description matches the behavior we have 

But I have some questions about delayed JMS messages storage.
     - Is the storage the same for  non delayed and delayed messages ?    
     - When a delayed message is stored  in the db-x.log ? when it has been 
sent or when it will be available at delay expiration ?                         
Best Regards.

-----Original Message-----
From: AntonR [mailto:anton.roskv...@volvo.com] 
Sent: lundi 17 février 2020 15:15
To: users@activemq.apache.org
Subject: Re: Question about db-x.log and delayed message


Yes, when all messages are removed in db-1 it will get removed and all new ones 
will get added to db-3. The message log is append only, so new db files will 
get created and old ones removed as part of normal operations.

Beware of mixing slow and fast consumers though, as just one single message 
will keep a db-file live, so if one slow consumers is mixed in with fast ones 
(that create lots of new db-files), the size of your KahaDB might get 
unproportionately large.

With delayed messages they should count as "Enqueued" when the brokers receives 
them and "Dequeued" when the consumer has had a chance to consume the message, 
meaning after the Delay is done.


Sent from: http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/ActiveMQ-User-f2341805.html

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