We binary serialize a C# object (which contains soap XML) and store it into a 
queue using ActiveMQBytesMessage class.   (We are a .net/c# shop hence using 
activemq nms .net client against activemq 5.16.3)

Snippet here as an example.

byte[]  msgBytes = payload.Content as byte[];  //payload is our C# object

using (ISession session = connection.CreateSession())
                 IMessageProducer prod = session.CreateProducer(
                 new Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.Commands.ActiveMQQueue(queueName));
                 ActiveMQBytesMessage aqbytes = new ActiveMQBytesMessage();
                 aqbytes.Content = msgBytes;
                 IMessage msg = aqbytes;
                 msg.NMSDeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent;

Now in the ActiveMQ web console, when viewing the message, the message details 
box shows the bytes content mostly in plain text.   We have some sensitive 
information we don't want it displayed in plain text.  Are there any options in 
the web console to accomplish this? Or some other approach?

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