And by the way, this page should mention some important notes (like JDK version supported, log4j versions, Spring version, ...).


On 01/02/2022 13:47, Tim Bain wrote:
Would it be worth the effort to create and then maintain a page that lists
the planned timeline of upcoming releases for both 5.x and Artemis? There
have been a lot of questions about upcoming plans in the wake of the Log4J
CVE, but even during normal times we get occasional questions here about
upcoming plans, and that's just the users who bother to sign up for the
mailing list so there could well be more who look for that info but don't
post to ask.

The downside is that once we create a page for that content we'll have to
be diligent about updating it (including publishing updates when something
slides back a bit), otherwise what's the point. I'm not sure if the folks
who would have to do the ongoing work on this think it's worth the effort,
but I wanted to throw it out for consideration.


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