Based on your description, attached configuration, and logs I don't see
anything wrong, per se. Would it be possible for you to work up a way to
reproduce the behavior you're seeing?

Do you ever have more than 1 producer? If so, is the order-of-creation only
essential per producer or is it essential across all producers?


On Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 8:29 AM Oliver Lins <> wrote:

> Hi,
> we are using Artemis with the following setup:
> - 2 independent broker instances (on 2 hosts)
> - a cluster configuration to create a Core bridge between both instances
> (no failover, no HA)
> - multiple JMS clients produce and consume AMQP messages using topics
> - the clients do a failover themself
> - Artemis versions (2.21.0, 2.29.0-SNAPSHOT cloned on 08.03)
> Every thing is working fine. Independent of the Artemis instance the
> producer or consumers are connected to they receive all messages in the
> order of creation.
> To simulate a server failure we kill (-9) Artemis instance 1 and restart
> the instance again (~ 1/2 minute later).
> - 1 producer connects to the restarted instance 1
> - multiple consumers are (still) connected to instance 2
> - 1 consumer connects to the restarted instance 1
> The producer sends messages with a delay of 1 ms.
> Now we see that
> - the order of messages received by the consumer connected to instance 1
> frequently does not match the order the messages are created
> - the order of messages received by consumers connected to instance 2
> matches the order the messages are created
> It is essential for us that the messages arrive in the order of creation.
> Do you have any ideas what went wrong or we are doing wrong?
> Thanks in advance,
> Oliver
> Pls note: the attached files are used to reproduce what we saw in
> production.
>      This test configuration uses 1 docker instance per Artemis broker.
>      Both instances are running on the same host using different ports.

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