Hello ActiveMQ users,

I have a question regarding ActiveMQ 5.16.x and redelivery of messages.
I set up the broker with the configuration described in paragraph “Broker 
Redelivery” of page 
https://activemq.apache.org/message-redelivery-and-dlq-handling .

The client “abc” of the broker has a read only access to a queue which is 
dedicated to him (It’s a queue based on a topic, hence named like 
The issue is that, when the client sends a “NACK” command over Stomp over 
Websocket, the broker fails saying user “abc” has is not authorized to write to 
the queue “Consumer.abc.VirtualTopic.xxx”, which is correct.

My question is: is that the expected behaviour ? To be able to use a NACK 
command, you need to be allowed to write to the queue ?

Thanks in advance for your guidance 😊


C2 – Usage restreint

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