
I am new to archiva. I have LDAP working so that I can login with LDAP
accounts onto my server. Also, when I am in the LDAP/Roles Mapping
screen, the LDAP groups appear correctly in the LDAP Groups dropdown.
However, if I setup a mapping and click the Save button, the mapping
will be gone by the time I leave the screen and come back.
Additionally, the mapping does not work (members of the LDAP group are
not granted the Role that I mapped). I have tried creating a
security.properties file with the following contents (per the redback

ldap.config.groups.role.archiva_admin=Archiva System Administrator

However, this does not grant members of the archiva_admin group the
Archiva System Administrator role. Additionally, I added the following
snippet (on a whim) to the archiva.xml file:
<archiva_admin>Archiva System Administrator</archiva_admin>

That is added inside the:
section. It does make a property show up in the Properties tab of the
"Users Runtime Configuration" but it has no effect.

The mapping I would like to setup will be permanent, so it does not
need to work properly in the UI. I don't mind adding the configuration
manually into a config file on the server. However, I can't seem to
find any way to make the mapping work.


Wes Wannemacher

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