Weekly Meeting

Buildbot has weekly meetings via irc, held at 16:30 UTC on Tuesdays. That is about 90 minutes from now!

Meetings are in #buildbot on Freenode, open to any and all participants. They generally focus on organizational, rather than technical issues, but are open to anything Buildbot-related. To raise a topic, add it to "All Other Business" in the agenda, or just speak up during the meeting.

Meeting minutes are available here.

Trac Tickets

New/Reopened Tickets

3549undecidedDockerLatentWorker not working
3550enhancementFeature: Implement renderables on locks property
3551undecidedAdd filter to web UI
3552undecidedBuilds UI view makes many API calls which causes slowdowns on complex builds

Closed Tickets

3396defectguanlecoja does not work with npm>3
3411defectremove links to scheduler page
3514enhancementBuilders list ordering
3523defectDo not output pickles
3533defectAPI request handling failure

Buildbot Pull Requests

Opened Pull Requests

2213Change default value for networking_config
2221reraise error if remoteGetWorkerInfo() fails
2223require boto3 in EC2LatentWorker tests
2230[WIP] Parallel tests.
2231test_process_buildstep: unit test to validate run catches exceptions

Completed Pull Requests

2203Fix issue in buildstep class
2204Remove PINGING state in workerforbuilder.
2205fix some RAML content/formatting
2206fix formatting of worker tac file
2207fix deprecated comment
2208Revert "Replace print with log.msg()"
2209set docker network mode when starting container
2210 eat unhandled_callbacks recursively
2211add download attribute to workaround firefox retriction
2212Start latent workers as part of the build, rather than before the build.
2214buildstep: finish unfinished logs
2215.travis.yml: put lint tests first
2216Use a specified reactor for debouncing.
2217switch setup.py[bundle] to buildbot_worker instead of slave
2218Update issue reference.
2219remove changes that were moved to 0.9.0b9.rst
2220fix pb.NoSuchMethod checking
2222rename getSlaveInfo to getWorkerInfo in new master-worker protocol
2224builder: _defaultCollapseRequest is a staticmethod
2225trigger: initialize brids
2226Fail fast in the travis build
2227Upgrade pip in travis.
2228output list of installed python packages at the end of install step
2229Only build main-line branches.

Buildbot-Infra Pull Requests

Opened Pull Requests

Completed Pull Requests

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