Hi everyone.

First, a bit of good news. My current top priority is to make the schedulers reconfigurable. Not conceptually difficult, but I wasn't well-versed in Python argument passing (which figures prominently in this), so I've had a couple aborted tries on that score. I think I've got all that sorted out for now. It's just biting us way too badly to not be able to reconfigure schedulers.

Now, the anecdote. As you may remember, we're running 4 masters. 1 just has the UI and force schedulers. 1 has our overall logging system. The other 2 are split between producing builds, and consuming them for tests.

Sometime between when I left yesterday and when the test lead looked this morning, the UI stopped displaying the builders for the producer and consumer masters. Looking at all the masters, they were running, and I didn't immediately see anything suspicious in the logs. Looking at the data api, I could see all the builders and workers. The workers all showed connected_to being valid, but only the logging workers showed anything in configured_on. I restarted our UI master and that didn't help. Restarting the producer and consumer seems to have solved the problem. I can see the builders in the UI, and looking at the workers in the data API, I see that most appear to have configured_on set. I have no idea what actually happened. My wild conjecture is that the inter-master communication got screwed up somehow. Either that or they lost connection to the database (less likely, I think. Postgres is pretty stable that way.).

Neil Gilmore
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