This looks useful to me Consider the class below, I want to run a query and
process the results returning success if some limit is true. Is this the
correct way to write a custom build step to do this?

class _GetDataFromVCS(steps.BuildStep):
        Query VCS for data on the latest changes and process the output of
the query
        return success if there are more than 50 changes

    def __init__(self, prop, **kwargs):
        steps.BuildStep.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        *#DO I need an __init__???*

    def run(self):
         # First query database for all peter's changes the output goes to
        _vcs_query="select * from _vcs_db where change_user=peter"
           # Parse the query results that go to STDOUT see if there are
more than 50 changes
          for line in STDOUT:
          if line_count>50:
              yield defer.returnValue(SUCCESS)
              yield defer.returnValue(FAIL)

How do I make use of the class in my master.cfg file? to create an instance
of the _GetDataFromVCS do I just do

vcs_step = _GetDataFromVCS(description=step, descriptionDone=step,
 name=step, haltOnFailure=True)

I don't have a "COMMAND" anywhere in my class, will this work?

On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 2:43 PM Clément Hurlin <>

> Dear Viraj,
> What do you want to do with your custom step ?
> Shooting in the dark, here are simple custom steps I have in my bots, to
> provide you examples:
> class _ClearPropertyStep(steps.BuildStep):
>     """
>         Step that clears a property
>     """
>     def __init__(self, prop, **kwargs):
>         steps.BuildStep.__init__(self, **kwargs)
>         assert prop is not None and len(prop) > 0
> = prop
>     @defer.inlineCallbacks
>     def run(self):
>         print("Clearing property " +
>         self.setProperty(, None, str(type(self)))
>         yield defer.returnValue(SUCCESS)
> Here's another one:
> class _URLStep(steps.BuildStep):
>     """
>         Step whose only purpose is to show a description and an URL
>     """
>     renderables = steps.BuildStep.renderables + [
>         'url_text',
>         'url',
>     ]
>     def __init__(self, url_text, url, **kwargs):
>         steps.BuildStep.__init__(self, **kwargs)
>         assert url_text is not None
>         self.url_text = url_text
>         assert url is not None
>         self.url = url
>     @defer.inlineCallbacks
>     def run(self):
>         print("Setting URL: " + str(self.url))
>         self.addURL(self.url_text, self.url)
>         yield defer.returnValue(SUCCESS)
> Best,
> Clément Hurlin
> Hi
> I got stuck in buildbot for configuring custom buildbot step.
> Can you please help me with one of the example how we can create custom
> build step.
> Regards,
> Viraj Wadate
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