
On Nov 16, 2010, at 1:47 PM, Ed Smiley wrote:

> If anybody else is having the cannot create a JVM error after upgrading Java 
> on a Mac, and you are on Jira, please vote for issue 549 
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BUILDR-549.
> Also, there is a workaround described in that bug, try it and see if it helps 
> you until a regular patch is available.  It worked for me.
> Essentially it is (for Buildr 1.4.3):
> 1. Finding the most recent version of the header files in Finder and putting 
> them into $JAVA_HOME/include (these will probably be the correct ones--the 
> latest Java installation removes them!).  Make a backup!

I suggest that mucking around with the system-installed JVM on your machine is 
going to cause more heartache down the line than it saves you today.  If you 
want a buildr that works on OS X with Java Update 3 before there's an official 
release, try this:

1) Checkout the source
2) Edit buildr.gemspec in the source root, replacing the version on the two 
lines that refer to RJB with "1.3.3" instead of "1.2.5"
3) Run `rake install`


> 2. uninstalling the RJB gem and installing version 1.3.3 only
> 3. editing the buildr-1.4.3.gemspec  file to require a version GREATER THAN 
> 1.25, instead of 1.2.5. (Replacing '= 1.2.5' with '>= 1.2.5' here's the list 
> of changes:
> /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/specifications $ grep rjb buildr-1.4.3.gemspec | grep 
> 1.2.5
>       s.add_runtime_dependency(%q<rjb>, [">= 1.2.5"])
>       s.add_dependency(%q<rjb>, [">= 1.2.5"])
>     s.add_dependency(%q<rjb>, [">= 1.2.5"])
> This worked for me.
> --Ed

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