Hi Stu,

On Mar 23, 2011, at 9:50 PM, Stu King wrote:

> How would I specify a task to run before / after running my tests for a
> project definition? I am using JUnit to run some component tests against a
> back end service. I have a Rake task I can call to start / stop the
> service.
> Say my definition looks like this:
> define "document" do
>   package :jar
>   task :start_service do
>     #start some service
>   end
> end
> How would I call :start_service before running my unit tests?

define "document" do
  # ...

  test.enhance [:start_service]

This adds :start_service to the prerequisites list for the test task. This the 
generic way to do what you're asking -- ensure that one task is run before 
another. According to the docs[1], the unit test infrastructure has special 
support for setup and teardown blocks; it sounds like that might also work for 


[1]: http://buildr.apache.org/testing.html#setup_teardown

> I am an inexperienced ruby developer, so any direction is greatly
> appreciated.
> Cheers

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