Isn't the activemq uuid generator a lot faster ?

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 13:37, James Strachan <> wrote:
> 2009/10/16 Martin Krasser <>:
>> I'm trying to get camel-core running on Google App Engine. It doesn't run
>> out-of-the-box mainly because Camel's UUID generator. It uses InetAddress
>> that is not on the JRE class whitelist. Replacing the implementation using
>> Java's UUID class, I got a simple route running.
>> Is there any special reason why Camel doesn't use Java's UUID class for
>> generating IDs? Do you see any issues replacing the current implementation?
> No, it should work with the UUID class AFAIK. Our own UUID generator
> is mostly a hang-over from JDK 1.4 and ActiveMQ - I don't see any
> issues yet with using java.util.UUID. If we hit any we could make it
> pluggable - but for simplicity maybe we should just switch?
>> I'll summarize other issues with Camel on GAE in a separate post.
> Great!
> --
> James
> -------
> Open Source Integration

Guillaume Nodet
Open Source SOA

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