> 1. Where can I read about the ".namespace()" function syntax? I still don't
> get why "ins" is used in both functions. I tried w3schools but didn't find
> it.

>Did you find this page?
>That should help you understand usage of the namespace prefix and URI.>

I know namespaces in general, bit it was the syntax of the ".namespace()"
function in xpath, I was looking for.

> 2. Is it possible to debug in the Camel routebuilder somehow? If I want to
> know how the message looks like before and after the
> ".convertBodyTo(DOMSource.class)". And most important: I want to know if
> an
> expression evaluates to true, i.e. I want to "print-out" the result of the
> when statement. Maybe something like this pseudocode:
> var travelRequest = xpath("//ins:TravelInsuranceRequest").namespace
> "ins","http://dzone.com/insurance";))
> print(travelRequest);
> .when(travelRequest).to(LUXURY_CAR_OUT);

>I guess it depends on how you have this deployed... if its a JUnit test,
>well Eclipse or IntelliJ can easily debug that for you. Other setups may
>require extra configuration of the app server / ESB to get debugging
>working. Actually, if you just want to see what the messages look like at
>various points in your route, try enabling the tracer

I will look into the tracer - didn't know of that. I have just created a
Maven project and deployed it on the Servicemix ESB. Hard to find out how to
debug :)

One last novice question. In the statement:


Where does the "foo" comes from, I mean, where do I set it? From Eclipse I'm
creating a JMS Message, but the only headers availbe is these: 


Do you know how I can use these headers/properties in a Camel choice
statement? Basicly, I just want to create the most simple example, where to
messages are send from Eclipse and goes to two different queues in a Camel
choice statement. The messages should be simple tect or objects. 

Kend regards,
Kenneth H 

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