First off, thanks for the work.  The more I use Camel, the more I love
it.  Here are 2 'bugs' I have run across:

1. On the page, for the list of
configuration parameters you list "decorderMaxLineLength", this is a
typo and should be "decoderMaxLineLength".  I copy and pasted the word
into my code and took me a few minutes to find the problem.

2. Secondly, I am sending long lines of data to the Camel-MINA
component and needed to increase the decoderMaxLineLength.  Until I
bumped the ActiveMQ file to "ALL", I did not see the
exception that stated the line was too long.  Shouldn't this exception
be logged as an error?  If so I would have seen it sooner.  IIRC right
now the exception is logged as a DEBUG.

Thank you,

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