
You can use camel in your java class like this:


protected ProducerTemplate start;



The route should look like this:

from("direct:start")  // This is a java class and the message is a java object.

For me it's not clear, what do you mean by server? Are the destination classes are in your context (e.g. spring)? IF yes ist could look like:

from("direct:start")  // This is a java class and the message is a java object.

While x, y, z are the spring ids...

Best regards - Claus

On 03.12.2010 09:59, nkrust wrote:

The consumer is a java class and I'm passing a java VO to the producer(s)
depending on certain parameters in the VO.

from(endPoint)  // This is a java class and the message is a java object.

I wanted to know how I can use a java class as consumer with VO as the
message. Also how the response which will again be a java object can be used
by the consumer.
I understand that camel is designed to work between a wide variety of
components and using from a java class is not really smart thing to do, but
I'm just doin a POC to see what all can be done.
Any insight appretiated.

claus straube

phone    +49-89-38157419
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catify | claus straube, sebastian münz

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