
I am executing each route one by one. Here is what I have done:

First route:

    <route id="ping-all" autoStartup="true">
      <from uri="timer://myTimer?fixedRate=true&amp;period=6000" />
      <pollEnrich uri="{{digi.uris-db}}" />
      <to uri="log:DIGIS" />
        <tokenize token="\n"/>
        <to uri="jms:digiQueue" />

It runs successfully and I am able to see all the host:IP in the digiQueue

Nex I add the second route:

    <route id="ping-digi">
          <from uri="jms:digiQueue" />
          <to uri="{{digi.prepare-request}}" />           
          <to uri="jms:digiTCP" />

Here I am getting the following error:

[aultMessageListenerContainer-1] DirectProducer                 WARN  No
consumers available on endpoint: Endpoint[direct://digi-request] to process:
Exchange[JmsMessage: ActiveMQTextMessage {commandId = 5, responseRequired =
true, messageId = ID:t00631529-4048-1321904956060-0:5:1:1:1, originalDesti
nation = null, originalTransactionId = null, producerId =
ID:t00631529-4048-1321904956060-0:5:1:1, destination = queue://digiQueue,
transactionId = null ..............................

Can you please guide me what I need to do to fix the error.

Thank you

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