As for the issue with the consumer appearing to continue to poll - I
think my cron resume/suspend expressions were overlapping.



On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 10:06 PM, Chris Wolf <> wrote:
> Thanks for the clarification on that.  The only problem is that, when
> using CronScheduledRoutePolicy
> on a route with an FTP endpoint configured as a consumer, it does NOT
> seem to prevent the FTP
> consumer to stop polling even after it has supposedly been suspended.
> 56:30,001 CronScheduledRoutePolicy       DEBUG Suspended consumer
> FtpConsumer[ftp://localhost/download?filter=%23cpmdFileFilter&noop=true&password=******&username=adpt5]
> 56:35,100 FtpConsumer                    WARN  Cannot connect/login
> to: ftp://adpt5@localhost:21. Will skip this poll.
> 56:35,100 FtpConsumer                    DEBUG Skipping poll as pre
> poll check returned false
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Chris
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 9:11 PM, Raul Kripalani <> wrote:
>> You don't want to stop all endpoints in the route because there may be
>> inflight Exchanges. Instead, you want to stop the inflow of new messages
>> whilst you keep processing any inflight exchanges.
>> That said, it's safe to stop the entire route (including endpoints) once
>> all inflight exchanges are completed (or immediately if none are alive) –
>> as keeping endpoints started unnecessarily could be a waste of resources.
>> Please feel free to log a JIRA.
>> On the other hand, all routes start with a consumer of some kind. Mind you,
>> it doesn't have to listen on an external protocol. Take for example the
>> direct, seda or timer components, which are "virtual" endpoints.
>> Regards,
>> *Raúl Kripalani*
>> Enterprise Architect, Open Source Integration specialist, Program
>> Manager | Apache
>> Camel Committer
>> |
>> | twitter: @raulvk
>> On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 8:08 PM, Chris Wolf <> wrote:
>>> I am looking at code in
>>> org.apache.camel.routepolicy.quartz.ScheduledRoutePolicy -
>>> the code that starts/stops/resumes/suspends the route it is a policy for.
>>> The question is why is it separately acting on the Consumer? I thought
>>> if you call
>>> CamelContext.suspendRoute(route)  and/or CamelContext.resumeRoute(route),
>>> that all the components in the route are suspended/resumed as well?
>>> Secondly, why does this code assume there is a Consumer?  What if the
>>> route has
>>> a Producer?
>>> I am not being critical - I just want to understand, generally how
>>> route suspend/resume works
>>> since I am implementing a similar RoutePolicy.
>>> Thanks,
>>>    -Chris
>>>  protected void onJobExecute(Action action, Route route) throws Exception {
>>> [...]
>>>         } else if (action == Action.SUSPEND) {
>>>             if (routeStatus == ServiceStatus.Started) {
>>>                 stopConsumer(route.getConsumer());
>>>             } else {
>>>                 LOG.warn("Route is not in a started state and cannot
>>> be suspended. The current route state is {}", routeStatus);
>>>             }
>>>         } else if (action == Action.RESUME) {
>>>             if (routeStatus == ServiceStatus.Started) {
>>>                 if (ServiceHelper.isSuspended(route.getConsumer())) {
>>>                     startConsumer(route.getConsumer());
>>>                 } else {
>>>                     LOG.warn("The Consumer {} is not suspended and
>>> cannot be resumed.", route.getConsumer());
>>>                 }
>>> [...]

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