Post your route, your configs, and a description of what it does, who are
its clients, etc. Also link to the bug in the current code.

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 8:02 AM, Hendley, Sam <>wrote:

> Hello all.
> I am working with a large application written in camel. We have recently
> started noticing (it may have been occurring for a while) that in some
> cases a sort of death spiral occurs.
> Out setup:
> Camel 2.10.1 (unfortunately we can't upgrade)
> ActiveMQ 5.6.0 (unfortunately we can't upgrade)
> As far as I can tell this is what is occurring:
> ·         Something puts excess load on the system and slows down our
> application
> ·         Some ReplyManagerTimeoutChecks start failing
> ·         It starts doing excessive amounts of work dealing with timeouts
> which delays the processing of the work causing more timeouts
> o   Using a sampler it appears most the time is spent in
> DefaultTimeoutMap.purge()
> §  There is a .size() call that is very expensive which is discarded
> unless trace level logging is turned on (this bug still exists in the
> current camel code)
> ·         The activemq connections start timing out and disconnecting from
> the broker side
> ·         This appears to cause the camel routes to spawn a new set of
> TimeoutChecker and ReplyManager threads for each of the routes which are all
> Has anyone seen issue like this? Any advice on what else I should be
> looking for?
> Thanks
> Sam Hendley

*Christian Posta*
twitter: @christianposta

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