Hi Camel folks,

I'm trying to work with camel-cdi.

After some try, I succeed to reference default camel-cdi context in a bean
with @ContextName annotation (this bean uses @Consume and @Produce

I'm now locked with adding camel components (jms in this case) into this
camel context:

I tried to @Named(value="jms")public Component getJMS(){...} in the bean
without luck.

I also tried to make a Bootstrap class with @Inject CdiCamelContext but it
tells me that the injection is ambiguous (between CdiCamelContext and
CamelContextBean), I could inject Instance but it's not so clean.

The last solution (not tested) would be to create a new CdiCamelContext in
the bootstrap class and registering it on the CdiBeanRegistry: is there a
nice/easy way to do this (e.g. creating, setting default values,

Note that I'm on an osgi environment, if it changes anything...

Best regards,

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