Are you using this code in a route that is part a transaction? Like a JMS

On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 10:30 PM, Freeman, Keith <> wrote:

> I have this code in my route:
>         onException(Exception.class)
>                 .handled(true)
>                 .maximumRedeliveries(-1)
>                 .redeliveryDelay(1L * 1000L)
>                 .backOffMultiplier(2.0D)
>                 .maximumRedeliveryDelay(60L * 1000L)
>                 .logRetryAttempted(true)
>                 .retryAttemptedLogLevel(LoggingLevel.WARN)
>                 .logRetryStackTrace(true)
>                 .logStackTrace(true)
>                 .log(LoggingLevel.ERROR,
>                         ConfiguredRouteBuilder.class.getSimpleName() +
> ": onException handler: caught Exception! ${property." +
> Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT + "}")
> But when an exception happens, the delay between retries is always 1
> second (or whatever I change the redeliveryDelay number to), there's
> never any backoff (the retry logs are always 1-second apart).  So 2
> questions:
> 1- why isn't the backoff multiplier having any effect?
> 2- is there a way (short of stepping through Camel source code) for me
> to diagnose something like this?
> (I'm on camel 2.12.1)

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