Hello Matt,

You'll have to use the recipient list [1] pattern:

   .setProperty("ds", /* logic to convert client param to datasource name
   .setHeader("target", simple("sql:select * from projects order by
   .to(/* what you would do next after the SQL request */)


[1] http://camel.apache.org/recipient-list.html

2014-06-07 0:08 GMT+02:00 Matt Raible <m...@raibledesigns.com>:

> Hello,
> I'm converting services written with IBM Message Broker 6.1 to Apache
> Camel. Here's some of the logic I'm trying to convert:
> SET Environment.Variables.dataSource = '';
> CASE UPPER(InputRoot.XMLNSC.ns:memberLookupRequest.ns:args0.ax21:Client)
>         WHEN 'client1'  THEN SET Environment.Variables.dataSource = 'foo';
>         WHEN 'client2'  THEN SET Environment.Variables.dataSource = 'bar';
>         WHEN 'client3'          THEN SET Environment.Variables.dataSource
> = 'baz';
> Basically, a parameter comes in and the dataSource is dynamically
> configured based on it. What's the best way to do this with Apache Camel?
> I'm guessing something like this might work (adopted from
> http://camel.apache.org/sql-component.html):
> from("direct:projects")
>   .setProperty("ds", /* logic to convert client param to datasource name
> */)
>   .to("sql:select * from projects order by id?dataSource=#${property.ds}")
> Is this the best way to configure dynamic datasources? For each
> datasource, I realize I'll have to configure it as a @Bean with Spring's
> JavaConfig.
> Thanks,
> Matt

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