I wasn't so clear: I really meant I wanted to be notified when a new exchange is sent from a Consumer component.

So I guess what I am looking for is something like ExchangeSendingEvent or ExchangeSentEvent :)

Thank you very much!


Le 13/10/2015 11:09, Claus Ibsen a écrit :
Ah yeah that is only for add/remove.

For events like that you can use event notifier

And it can listen for any of these events

which you can filter which you want to listen for

An example here

On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 11:04 AM, Victor NOËL <victor.n...@linagora.com> wrote:
It's not clear from the Javadoc if it will give me ways to know when a route
start (not when it is added), but maybe I don't know well how Camel works…

Could you clarify that for me? Thanks :)

Le 13/10/2015 11:02, Claus Ibsen a écrit :
You can register a custom lifecycle to get callbacks


There is api on camel context to add it. or if you use spring then
just declare it as a <bean> and its auto enabled

On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 10:55 AM, Victor NOËL <victor.n...@linagora.com>

I was wondering if it was possible to register something on a
so that when a route deployed on it is started (using any type of
some code is executed.

Optimally, it would be useful to know the component involved (if possible
the object, but even its string name could be useful).

Thank you


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