You could do it that way and add a second interceptSendToEndpoint
intercepting the next hop I guess.

You may wish to consider what you are trying to achieve - if you do not
require the full payload to be audited it may be that using an HTTP proxy
satisfies your requirements and requires very little code to be maintained.

On 10 May 2016 at 20:49, Bassett, Derek <>

> Hi,
>    From the description on page it
> says:
> "You can think of it as a AOP before that is applied at each DSL keyword
> you have defined in your route"
> Can I use interceptSendToEndpoint if I want to do both a Before and After
> or do I have to use something else?  Basically I need to generate a WireTap
> for Auditing purposes ever time I make a http request out.  I understand
> the performance impacts but the business thinks its more important then
> actually being performant.  I wanted to see if there was a way I could do
> that with interceptSendToEndpoint, maybe using a custom Processors or
> something akin to a Before/After Advice.
> Derek

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