I added a note at camel-jms so people find this quicker in the future.


On 24.11.2016 17:20, Claus Ibsen wrote:
Set a lower prefetch buffer on ActiveMQ as each consumer polls in 1000
messages by default.

On Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 2:54 PM, Oliver Wulff <owu...@talend.com> wrote:
Hi there

I've deployed a camel route in Karaf 4.0.3 which is configured to consume
JMS messages in parallel (concurrentConsumers=2, maxConcurrentConsumers=6).
But Camel consumes the messages sequentially only. I've created a testcase
which depends on a ConnectionFactory managed by Karaf (MOM, ActiveMQ). The
testcase contains two routes. The route 'jms-produce' produces jms messages
every 200ms whereas 'jms-consume' consumes the messages with a delay of 5
seconds. The testcase illustrates that messages are processed sequentially.

2016-11-24 14:36:57,696 | INFO  | nsole user karaf | OsgiSpringCamelContext
| 161 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.15.4 | Route: jms-consume started
and consuming from:
2016-11-24 14:36:57,756 | INFO  | msConsumer[TEST] | jms-consume
| 161 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.15.4 | JMS message consumed
2016-11-24 14:37:02,761 | INFO  | msConsumer[TEST] | jms-consume
| 161 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.15.4 | JMS message successfully
processed ID-ubuntu-wuol-49091-1479978003649-7-297
2016-11-24 14:37:02,763 | INFO  | msConsumer[TEST] | jms-consume
| 161 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.15.4 | JMS message consumed
2016-11-24 14:37:07,764 | INFO  | msConsumer[TEST] | jms-consume
| 161 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.15.4 | JMS message successfully
processed ID-ubuntu-wuol-49091-1479978003649-7-298
2016-11-24 14:37:07,766 | INFO  | msConsumer[TEST] | jms-consume
| 161 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.15.4 | JMS message consumed
2016-11-24 14:37:12,770 | INFO  | msConsumer[TEST] | jms-consume
| 161 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.15.4 | JMS message successfully
processed ID-ubuntu-wuol-49091-1479978003649-7-299
2016-11-24 14:37:12,772 | INFO  | msConsumer[TEST] | jms-consume
| 161 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.15.4 | JMS message consumed
2016-11-24 14:37:17,775 | INFO  | msConsumer[TEST] | jms-consume
| 161 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.15.4 | JMS message successfully
processed ID-ubuntu-wuol-49091-1479978003649-7-300
2016-11-24 14:37:17,777 | INFO  | msConsumer[TEST] | jms-consume
| 161 - org.apache.camel.camel-core - 2.15.4 | JMS message consumed

What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any hints.



Christian Schneider

Open Source Architect

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