
I am using Camel S3 as a consumer to consume files which were stored in AWS S3 
Server , But When I start the route ,it will always execute even I  added 
"deleteAfterRead" option , then it will raise an exception, because there is no 
file left.  

Source code like this:

from("aws-s3:csun-bucket-test" + "?amazonS3Client=#cAWSS3_cAWSConnection_1" + 

.routeId("s3consumer_cAWSS3_1").process(new org.apache.camel.Processor() {

publicvoid process(org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange) throws Exception {

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(

new InputStreamReader((InputStream) exchange.getIn().getBody()));

System.out.println("FileName: " + exchange.getIn().getHeader("CamelAwsS3Key") + 
" Content: "

+ br.readLine());



}).id("s3consumer_cProcessor_1").to("log:s3consumer.cLog_1" + "?level=WARN")


Is it normal or it is a bug ? 



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