Apache Storm is a distributed real-time computation system whose main
purpose is the real-time processing of data, and from what I know, is
limited to connecting queueing systems and databases.

Apache Camel is an Enterprise Integration Pattern system which allows
you to connect, route and process data from a vast array of current
and legacy systems.

You can integrate both systems to cover different needs in your
project (e.g. data processing using Storm, REST interfaces using
camel, etc).

Hope that helps.

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 3:00 PM, Pavel Sapozhnikov
<pavel.sapozhni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I am new to Camel but I have some brief knowledge of Storm and how that
> works. We're trying to investigate both libraries for the project that
> we're about to do and we're deciding between Camel and Storm. What are some
> of the key decision factors that we should be focused on when it comes to
> both applications.
> Our project needs to subscribe to JMS, archive messages, transform messages
> in some cases from one format to another and save into database.
> We have a prototype of Storm doing this but how can Camel do this better?
> Are the two libraries used for different purposes?
> Thanks
> Pavel

Guillermo Castro
webmas...@javageek.org   http://javageek.org/

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