Hi, I have a toD element in my route which sends to a jms Queue which is 
provided by IBM MQ. I have the CamelJMSDestinationName set to the queue and a 
uri which looks similar to the folowing
according to my understanding of what I have read on the various forums on this 
I would expect this to be translated into a replyTo Queue Manager and Queue 
combination that MQ can understand. However, the data in replyTo is simply 
translated into a queue name that contains a slash with no queue manager.
Does anybody have any insights into how to go about setting the replyTo queue 
manager on such a route? I have tried setting the JMSReplyTo value in the 
context header but this just gets overridden by the URI value and if I dont 
have the URI value then camel assumes a dynamic response queue (which 
ironically does have the queue manager details properly populated)
thanks Paul

Paul Broughton
Spida Solutions
London • Bath • UK
+44 (0)79 319 38243
+44 (0)12 4981 5081

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