Hey Andrej,

Thanks for spotting this, can you please create a JIRA issue?

I will fix this one today, I missed the parameters for creation probably. Let 
me fix it ASAP.

Thanks a lot.

Andrea Cosentino 
Apache Camel PMC Chair
Apache Karaf Committer
Apache Servicemix PMC Member
Email: ancosen1...@yahoo.com
Twitter: @oscerd2
Github: oscerd

On Tuesday, January 8, 2019, 10:30:36 AM GMT+1, Andrey Poltavtsev 
<apoltavt...@gmail.com> wrote: 

Hi all,

I am trying to manage AWS MQ Broker using 

ListBrokers, stopBroker and reboteBroker operations works fine.

The problem is  - createBroker operation failed with error:

com.amazonaws.services.mq.model.BadRequestException: Specify broker 
instance type. (Service: AmazonMQ; Status Code: 400; Error Code: 
BadRequestException; Request ID: fac3cb73-1314-11e9-a646-913d9b206c50)

I see that parameter "instance type" is not used by Camel-AWS MQ 
component during Broker creation 

The same problem with missing parameter "Broker users" (broker users are 
also required but not propagated from Camel-AWS MQ component  also).

The question is - is there another way to propagate required parameters ?

Thank you for your time !

Best Regards,


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