Dear Camel guys and girls,

I have a question regarding the property "subscriptionName" which can be 
specified for a JMS-Consumer.

First, here is my project setup:

  *   Camel 2.24.1
  *   Spring-Boot: 2.1.0.RELEASE

I create a simple standalone JAR which just should consume from defined 
JMS-Queues and/or JMS-Topics.
Therefore I wrote a simple Route and configured my JMS-Endpoint like this:


As you can see I use a shared subscription in combination with a 
subscriptionName as I want to be able to identify my subscription as long as it 
The problem is now that this subscriptionName is never used. Instead my 
subscription on the topic uses the default subscription name which is the class 
name: org.apache.camel.component.jms.EndpointMessageListener.

In the documentation on GitHub for Camel Version 2.24.1 it is written that the 
subscriptionName can be used for shared subscription too.:

subscriptionName (consumer)

Set the name of a subscription to create. To be applied in case of a topic 
(pub-sub domain) with a shared or durable subscription. The subscription name 
needs to be unique within this client’s JMS client id. Default is the class 
name of the specified message listener. Note: Only 1 concurrent consumer (which 
is the default of this message listener container) is allowed for each 
subscription, except for a shared subscription (which requires JMS 2.0).

If I debug into the method 
I can see that the subscriptionName is in fact only used when the subscription 
is durable (which I don't want to have):

// now configure the JMS 2.0 API
if (configuration.getDurableSubscriptionName() != null) {
} else if (configuration.isSubscriptionDurable()) {
    if (configuration.getSubscriptionName() != null) {

So I am wondering if I just misunderstood the documentation or if it is indeed 
a bug that the subscriptionName can only be used in combination with a durable 
Could you please tell me what you think?

If it is a bug I can create a JIRA-Issue and provide a hotfix if you want.
If I just misunderstood something it would be great if you could help me out 
with this one.

Best regards and thanks a lot in advance,
Daniel Novak

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