Thanks for the quick response.

We sometimes receive messages with the breadcrumb id already set, so we can 
track messages across the entire system and not just inside Camel, so printing 
the exchange id would be misleading. Maybe we can extract the breadcrumb id 
from the exchange in the notifier manually. 

Is there a better way to only log when a message crosses the boundary in/out of 
Camel than to use EventNotifier and ExchangeCreated/CompletedEvent? Is it 
reasonable to look at the exchange getFromRouteId and unit of work route 
context (we check these for null) to decide whether the exchange was created 
due to a message from outside Camel, or is there another way to decide this?

-----Original Message-----
From: Claus Ibsen <> 
Sent: 5. september 2019 14:43
Subject: Re: Logging integration entry and exit with breadcrumbs

The created event is happening when the exchange is created and before routing 
and unit of work is setup, and therefore also before mdc unit of work. And yes 
its intended.

The breadcrumb id is just the exchange id, so you can just get and use that

On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 2:23 PM Stig Døssing <> wrote:
> Hi,
> We'd like to log when our integrations start and finish processing of a 
> message, along with an identifier for the message and derived exchanges. We'd 
> prefer if this could be done globally for all integrations in some common 
> configuration, rather than having to remind our developers to put log 
> statements in at the start and end of routes that receive messages from 
> outside Camel (e.g. via JMS or REST endpoints).
> Basically we'd like to only log "at the edge" of Camel, i.e. when a message 
> is picked up by Camel from an external source. We don't want to log exchanges 
> that are created internally, as part of processing another exchange.
> For instance given
> From("jms:queue:someQueue")
>   .routeId("jmsRoute")
>   .enrich("direct:endpoint1")
> From("direct:endpoint1")
>   .routeId("helloRoute")
>   .setBody("hello")
> We would like to only log when a message starts going through "jmsRoute" as 
> well as when such an exchange is completed, but not when an exchange is 
> created for "helloRoute".
> We've enabled breadcrumb ids to help us track which log messages belong to 
> which message, and have implemented an EventNotifierSupport which receives 
> ExchangeCreatedEvent and ExchangeCompletedEvent.
> It seems to us that the ExchangeCreatedEvent is sent before the MDC with the 
> breadcrumb is set, so our logging of ExchangeCreatedEvent does not contain 
> the breadcrumb. We are also having a bit of trouble deciding how to filter 
> out exchange events we don't want to log. We're currently looking at the 
> exchange getFromRouteId, and the unit of work route context to filter out 
> created/completed events.
> Is there a better mechanism for achieving this than using EventNotifier and 
> exchange events? Is it intended that ExchangeCreatedEvent is processed before 
> the MDC is populated?

Claus Ibsen
----------------- @davsclaus
Camel in Action 2:

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