I'm using camel 2.23 with Spring Boot for a set of microservices that send
and receive messages via Kafka. I have the individual services working with
Jaegar with no issue however I was expecting transactions to span Kafka in
Jaeger and I'm not seeing that. Rather in Jaeger the transactions stop and
start with Kafka.

In my pom.xml file (
https://github.com/gnunn1/seating/blob/master/registration-ui/pom.xml) I'm
importing the following dependencies for tracing:

    <!-- Tracing -->

My application has the @CamelOpenTracing annotation on the Application
class. Finally I'm connecting to Kafka in Spring DSL as follows:

<route id="request-seat" routePolicyRef="policy">
<to id="send-seat" uri="kafka:registration?clientId=registration-ui"/>

My understanding is that camel should propagate the tracing context
automatically but maybe I'm missing something? I see there is a
KafkaSpanDecorator in camel but it's not clear if this is an internal class
or something I should be using explicitly.



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