
You have to use Karaf 4.2.8 or change etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg to use 
https (http is not available on Maven Central).

It has been discussed already on the Karaf mailing list.


> Le 13 mai 2020 à 09:21, Ajay Patil <ajaypatil2...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi Team,
> I trying to run the pax exam provided in the Camel in Action 2: 
> chapter9-pax-exam by run as Jnit Test 
> but however i am getting error,that when i look into the temporary karaf 
> folder after running the Junit test below is the error
> camelinaction2-2.20.1\chapter9\pax-exam\target\karaf\044d7e43-e0ae-43c3-ac1a-3ca22707e3c7\data\log
>    (PFA- karaf.log)
>   java.io.IOException: Error resolving artifact 
> org.apache.camel.karaf:apache-camel:xml:features:2.19.0: [Could not transfer 
> artifact org.apache.camel.karaf:apache-camel:xml:features:2.19.0 from/to 
> central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2 <http://repo1.maven.org/maven2>/): 
> Failed to transfer file: 
> http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/camel/karaf/apache-camel/2.19.0/apache-camel-2.19.0-features.xml
> <http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/camel/karaf/apache-camel/2.19.0/apache-camel-2.19.0-features.xml>.
>  Return code is: 501 , ReasonPhrase:HTTPS Required.]  
> I do see that, maven repo has been changed from http to https ,but how to 
> make changes in the dynamic way in the code. as manually changing
> org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg is wont helps as you know ,as each time on junit 
> run , temporary karaf folder will create such as  
> 044d7e43-e0ae-43c3-ac1a-3ca22707e3c7 so Please do needful.
> pax snippet
>  karafDistributionConfiguration()
> .frameworkUrl(maven().groupId("org.apache.karaf").artifactId("apache-karaf").version("4.1.2").type("tar.gz"))
>                         .karafVersion("4.1.3")
>                         .name("Apache Karaf")
>                         .useDeployFolder(false)
>                         .unpackDirectory(new File("target/karaf"))
> Thanks & Regards,
>      Ajay Patil 

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