It's likely that you need to configure the Prometheus instance, by editing the 
Prometheus resource, e.g.:

kind: Prometheus
  name: prometheus
  serviceAccountName: prometheus
      app: camel-k
  podMonitorNamespaceSelector: {}

It's important to have podMonitorNamespaceSelector: {} to discover all the 
namespaces, otherwise it's only the resource's namespace.

Also you can use the Prometheus trait to set the labels on the Integration 
PodMonitor accordingly, e.g.:

$ kamel run -t prometheus.enabled=true -t 

There are some examples in the Prometheus operator documentation:

And the troubleshooting guide at:

> On 26 Nov 2021, at 12:32, Roberto Camelk <> wrote:
> Antonin. Thanks !
> But I continue stuck, please let me share some extra info about my
> prometheus operator log:
> level=debug ts=2021-11-26T11:12:05.837624346Z caller=operator.go:1840
> component=prometheusoperator msg="filtering namespaces to select
> PodMonitors from" namespaces=cattle-prometheus
> namespace=cattle-prometheus prometheus=cluster-monitoring
> 26/11/2021 08:12:05 level=debug ts=2021-11-26T11:12:05.837687534Z
> caller=operator.go:1853 component=prometheusoperator msg="selected
> PodMonitors" podmonitors= namespace=cattle-prometheus
> prometheus=cluster-monitoring
> 26/11/2021 08:12:05 level=debug ts=2021-11-26T11:12:05.942216811Z
> caller=operator.go:1677 component=prometheusoperator msg="updating
> Prometheus configuration secret skipped, no configuration change"
> 26/11/2021 08:12:05 level=debug ts=2021-11-26T11:12:05.950980834Z
> caller=operator.go:1776 component=prometheusoperator msg="filtering
> namespaces to select ServiceMonitors from"
> namespaces=cattle-prometheus,cattle-system,kube-node-lease,kube-public,security-scan,kube-system
> namespace=cattle-prometheus prometheus=cluster-monitoring
> 26/11/2021 08:12:05 level=debug ts=2021-11-26T11:12:05.951162973Z
> caller=operator.go:1810 component=prometheusoperator msg="selected
> ServiceMonitors"
> servicemonitors=cattle-prometheus/grafana-cluster-monitoring,cattle-prometheus/exporter-kube-etcd-cluster-monitoring,cattle-prometheus/exporter-node-cluster-monitoring,cattle-prometheus/exporter-kube-controller-manager-cluster-monitoring,cattle-prometheus/exporter-kube-state-cluster-monitoring,cattle-prometheus/prometheus-cluster-monitoring,cattle-prometheus/prometheus-operator-monitoring-operator,cattle-prometheus/exporter-fluentd-cluster-monitoring,cattle-prometheus/exporter-kubelets-cluster-monitoring,cattle-prometheus/exporter-kube-scheduler-cluster-monitoring,cattle-prometheus/exporter-kubernetes-cluster-monitoring
> namespace=cattle-prometheus prometheus=cluster-monitoring
> 26/11/2021 08:12:05 level=debug ts=2021-11-26T11:12:05.977550133Z
> caller=operator.go:1741 component=prometheusoperator msg="updated
> tlsAssetsSecret" secretname=prometheus-cluster-monitoring-tls-assets
> 26/11/2021 08:12:06 level=debug ts=2021-11-26T11:12:06.022196407Z
> caller=operator.go:1169 component=prometheusoperator msg="new
> statefulset generation inputs match current, skipping any actions"
> 26/11/2021 08:12:26 level=debug ts=2021-11-26T11:12:26.321817491Z
> caller=operator.go:734 component=prometheusoperator msg="PodMonitor
> added"
> 26/11/2021 08:12:27 level=debug ts=2021-11-26T11:12:27.755854021Z
> caller=operator.go:748 component=prometheusoperator msg="PodMonitor
> updated"
> 26/11/2021 08:12:46 level=debug ts=2021-11-26T11:12:46.453112794Z
> caller=operator.go:748 component=prometheusoperator msg="PodMonitor
> updated"
> 26/11/2021 08:17:35 level=debug ts=2021-11-26T11:17:35.194031009Z
> caller=operator.go:759 component=prometheusoperator msg="PodMonitor
> delete"
> This last 4 lines is about my camel-k route, that I ran and stopped.
> So, there are some problems, I think, about the logs above about the
> podmonitor selectors telling: "selected PodMonitors" podmonitors=
> namespace=cattle-prometheus prometheus=cluster-monitoring
> My camel-k route is running at namespace "platform" and has no label
> like "prometheus=cluster-monitoring".
> Do you know how can I fix this? Adding additional scrape configs to
> prometheus can solve this? Can you provide a snipet code?
> On Thu, Nov 25, 2021 at 9:56 AM Antonin Stefanutti
> <> wrote:
>> When run an Integration with `kamel run -t prometheus.enabled=true`, a 
>> PodMonitor resource is created for the Prometheus operator to reconcile and 
>> configure Prometheus to scrape the Integration metrics endpoint.
>> The PodMonitor metadata must match that of the Prometheus operator, like the 
>> namespace, the labels, ...
>> Some documentation is available at:
>> That contains some links to the Prometheus operator documentation for 
>> troubleshooting why the metrics endpoint is not discovered.
>>> On 25 Nov 2021, at 12:25, Roberto Camelk <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> I have a Kubernetes running Rancher 2.4.3. I have the cluster
>>> monitoring enabled in rancher, so that exists a Prometheus instance
>>> running, so as a Prometheus Operator.
>>> Recently I deployed a Apache Camel-K operator, and now I want to
>>> enable the prometheus integration for collect metrics about my camel
>>> routes.
>>> So, my Camel-K operator is running in namescape camel-k and the
>>> rancher embedded prometheus stack in cattle-prometheus namespace.
>>> I just have launched my route with the trait --trait
>>> prometheus.enabled=true, but the camel metrics aren't listing at my
>>> prometheus.
>>> Anyone knows why or what I need to configure to my camel-k route
>>> deploy it's metrics at the rancher embedded prometheus?

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