Hello.  I am using camel 3.12.0 in a project, and I am probably not logging
enough detail, but I see a message like this:

    org.apache.camel.util.FileUtil (101) - mkdirs() failed for
/tmp/camel/camel-temp-<bunch of hex alphanumerics followed by a dash and a
bunch of zeros>

To give a bit more context, I am using the following:

   - camel-spring-boot-starter
   - camel-jms-starter
   - camel-bean-starter
   - camel-servlet-startre
   - camel-openapi-java-starter
   - camel-jsonpath-starter
   - camel-jackson-starter
   - spring-boot-starter-artemis
   - artemis-jms-server

The last two are not camel artifacts, of course, but I include them because
I suspect that it has something to do with my configuration and/or use of
JMS in conjunction with the artemis server.  In /tmp, I do not see a camel
subdirectory, so perhaps it is lacking permissions to write to /tmp.  If
that is the case, can I set up a temp directory for camel file operations
that I give explicit permissions to?  Or if any of you have some ideas
about how I might be able to get some more information, that would help,
too.  Thanks in advance.


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