
I'm wondering if KameletBinding works differently if run through Camel
JBang vs running the binding using Camel-K.

The documentation states that if I use http or https-endpoint as a
sink, I should receive a CloudEvent from the source but this doesn't
seem to be the case based on my testing using the Camel JBang. That's
why I'm wondering if there's a difference between Camel-K and the CLI
or if the documentation is missing a step.

Here's the part from the documentation:
the uri option is also conventionally used in Knative to specify a
non-kubernetes destination. To comply with the Knative specifications,
in case an "http" or "https" URI is used, Camel will send CloudEvents
to the destination.

To test this I created the following binding:

apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1alpha1
kind: KameletBinding
  name: test-binding
      kind: Kamelet
      apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1alpha1
      name: file-watch-source
      filePath: c:/temp/kamel
      events: CREATE
    uri: https://webhook.site/7e80a696-5d47-4a03-8507-1fe4e47cfec6

And used the CLI to run this: camel run hmm.yaml

The binding itself works but instead of CloudEvents the sink is
receiving just the exchange body.

Any ideas if there's a step missing? Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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