i have trying to create a route which will write a serialzable java object
using netty TCP component.
The camel route looks like this:
 <process ref="convert.JSON2JAVA"/>

<to uri="netty:tcp://"/>

but i am not able to read any data on the socket on my server side which is
listening on 2944 port .

in the log i am seeing the below message
;DEBUG;org.apache.camel.component.netty.NettyProducer;Channel: [id:
0xa68b02a1, L:/ - R:] writing body:
;TRACE;org.apache.camel.component.netty.NettyProducer;Operation complete
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: Request
(expected: ByteBuf, FileRegion))
;TRACE;org.apache.camel.component.netty.NettyProducer;Channel open: [id:
0xa68b02a1, L:/ - R:]
;TRACE;org.apache.camel.component.netty.NettyProducer;Exception caught at
Channel: [id: 0xa68b02a1, L:/ - R:]

>From the logs, the netty producer is expecting the data in ByteBuf format.
Should the data be converted explicilty? i tried the "<convertBodyTo
type="io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf"/>" but it gives out an error during

can anyone guide me on how to send Java obj data using Netty TCP producer.?
Rohan Emmanuel

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