
+1 (binding)

Thank you Pasquale,
From: Pasquale Congiusti <pasquale.congiu...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 7, 2023 14:56
To: dev <d...@camel.apache.org>; users@camel.apache.org <users@camel.apache.org>
Subject: [VOTE] Release Apache Camel K 1.12.1 and Camel K runtime 1.17.1 - 
second attempt


This is a combined vote to release Apache Camel K 1.12.1 and Camel K
Runtime1.17.1. The release also contains the Camel K CRD 1.12.1, a Java
client for Kubernetes Camel K CRDs. The release is based on Camel 3.20.x
and Camel Quarkus 2.16.x. It contains mostly bug fixes. A first attempt to
release this version was canceled last week due to a bug found while
testing the staging version.

Camel K Runtime source files:

Camel K Runtime staging repository:

Camel K Runtime Tag:

Camel K release files:

Camel K Tag:

Camel K CRD Java dependency staging repository:

Staging container image repository:

It's possible to install all staging artifacts with a single command
(preferably using the kamel CLI you find in Camel K release files):

kamel install --operator-image=camelk/camel-k:1.12.1 --maven-repository=

Please test this release candidate and cast your vote.

[ ] +1 Release the binary as Apache Camel K 1.12.1 and Apache Camel K
Runtime 1.17.1
[ ] -1 Veto the release (provide specific comments)

The vote is open for at least 72 hours.

I start the vote with my +1.

Thanks and regards,
Pasquale Congiusti

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