Hello.  I am writing a better spring boot example project for the dynamic
router eip component, and I am seeing some strange results when I route one
million messages in a somewhat fast manner.  I am generating numbers from 1
to 1000000 and I have three routing participants:
  one accepts all numbers
  one accepts even numbers
  one accepts all odd numbers

The total received count is accurate at 1000000, but the "all numbers"
participant is some quantity below 1000000.  Let's say that quantity is
50.  Then, the "odd numbers" participant has some quantity over 500000, and
the "even numbers" participant has some quantity over 500000.  The strange
thing is that the sum of the overages equals the difference between 1000000
and the count received from the "all numbers" participant.  In the case of
this example, it would equal the 50 missing "all numbers" count.

This is an error of about 0.005%, so I am at a loss with how I can figure
out what is going wrong in relatively *very* few cases.  Can anyone lend
some advice about what might be going on?  I am generating numbers like

            IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 1000000)

The sendNumberMessage looks like this:

    private final Consumer<String> sendNumberMessage = (n) ->
            commandUri, ExchangeBuilder.anExchange(camelContext)
                    .withHeader(KafkaConstants.KEY, n)
                    .withHeader("command", PROCESS_NUMBER_COMMAND)
                    .withHeader("number", n)

As you can see, this is all running through Kafka, but I have done a
similar test in the component code itself, while using a single JVM and the
"direct" endpoint, and the counts will still be slightly off.

I'd appreciate any pointers that any of you might have.  Thanks in advance!


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