
Camel will send back the response at the end of the route in the consumer,
so what you do in that route example will not work.
However if you want to do some kind of custom logging of how long it takes,
then Camel Jetty has send back the response to the client, when the
UnitOfWork is done.
So you can use Camel's UoW done to do any custom code for "backend response
timestamp ...".

See the docs for UnitOfWork or its also covered in the CiA2 book.

On Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 5:11 AM Han Yainsun <yain...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Camel Community and Camel users,
> Greetings to you!
> Camel version: 3.20.4
> Spring Boot version: 2.7.11
> JDK: Amazon Corretto 17
> Platform: Windows server 2019
> IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3.2 (Community Edition)
> I have an requirement that need calculate each message process time,
> incould total process time and backend process time. the route likes below,
> it seems that the jetty managed the http session and send the response
> back to client automatically at the end of route.
> Is it possible to explicitly inform jetty send the resonse at specific
> point?
> Thansk in advance.
> from("jetty:";)
> .process(exchange -> exchange.setProperty("inbound timestamp",
> System.currentTimeMillis()))
> .to("http://localhost/mockbackend";)
> .process(exchange -> exchange.setProperty("backend respond timestamp",
> System.currentTimeMillis()))
> .setBody(constant("hello"))
> // I expect jetty send response back to client here.
> .process(exchange -> exchange.setProperty("backend respond timestamp",
> System.currentTimeMillis()));

Claus Ibsen
Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2

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