
No this is not possible out of the box with the old way of using WAR
For Spring we focus on Spring Boot as the primary runtime.

If you want to do old style WAR you can implement a web context listener (
I forgot what its called ) that bootstrap your app, and there you can
load your Camel routes, from files in the classpath. There is a bunch of
route loader API in camel you need to use for that. You can peek how camel
spring boot does it etc.

On Fri, Jan 5, 2024 at 3:49 PM Rohan Emmanuel <rohan.emmanue...@gmail.com>

> hi,
> i am creating a web app containing camel routes using camel-spring xml dsl
> containing REST dsl in applicationContext.xml(this is referred by
> configuring CamelHttpTransportServlet
> <
> https://github.com/apache/camel/blob/main/components/camel-servlet/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/component/servlet/CamelHttpTransportServlet.java
> >
>   in web.xml )as mentioned in the snippet below and I deploy the web app on
> Tomcat webserver to access the routes.
> can anyone please guide me if the same can be done using YAML DSL instead
> of xml? any pointers to the documentation example would be helpful. Thanks.
> <camelContext id="organisation_endpoint" xmlns="
> http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring";>
>   <rest path="/organisation_endpoint">
>  <description>Route for the path /organisation_endpoint</description>
> <delete consumes="application/json" type="com.x.xx.nonstop.commons.Request"
> outType="com.xx.x.commons.Response" produces="application/json"
> uri="/deleting/">
> <description>Route for the verb DELETE:--&gt; From /deleting/ to
> Destination 1. ( Process:dd345)  </description>
>        <responseMessage code="200" message="OK"/>
>                 <route id="organisation_endpoint-del">
>                       <process
> ref="organisation_endpoint.delete.ddl2java"/>
> ....
> ....
>              </route>
>             </delete>
> </rest>
>     </camelContext>
> --
> Regards,
> Rohan Emmanuel

Claus Ibsen
Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2

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