>From the log, your zone is not back to ready status, you may want to check
if all your hosts, primary storage and secondary storage are UP, this
prevents system to launch console proxy


On 4/9/13 12:17 AM, "Shashi Dahal" <s.da...@leaseweb.com> wrote:

>Hi kelven, 
>Log level is set to ALL.
>This is all that I have regarding consoleproxy.
>2013-04-09 09:09:44,425 DEBUG [utils.component.ComponentLocator]
>(main:null) Looking for class
>2013-04-09 09:09:44,426 INFO  [utils.component.ComponentLocator]
>(main:null) Found component: com.cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyAllocator
>in com.cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyBalanceAllocator - Balance
>2013-04-09 09:09:44,842 INFO  [utils.component.ComponentLocator]
>(main:null) Found component: com.cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyManager
>in com.cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl - ConsoleProxyManager
>2013-04-09 09:09:44,842 INFO  [utils.component.ComponentLocator]
>(main:null) Found component: com.cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyService
>in com.cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl - ConsoleProxyManager
>2013-04-09 09:09:48,664 INFO
>[cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl] (main:null) Start
>configuring console proxy manager : ConsoleProxyManager
>2013-04-09 09:09:48,664 INFO
>[cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl] (main:null) Console proxy
>max session soft limit : 50
>2013-04-09 09:09:48,664 INFO
>[cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl] (main:null) Console proxy
>standby capacity : 100
>2013-04-09 09:09:48,685 INFO
>[cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl] (main:null) Console Proxy
>Manager is configured.
>2013-04-09 09:09:49,692 INFO
>[cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl] (main:null) Start console
>proxy manager
>2013-04-09 09:10:48,711 DEBUG
>[cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl] (consoleproxy-1:null) Zone 1
>is not ready to launch console proxy yet
>2013-04-09 09:11:18,706 DEBUG
>[cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl] (consoleproxy-1:null) Zone 1
>is not ready to launch console proxy yet
>2013-04-09 09:11:48,709 DEBUG
>[cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl] (consoleproxy-1:null) Zone 1
>is not ready to launch console proxy yet
>2013-04-09 09:12:18,702 DEBUG
>[cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl] (consoleproxy-1:null) Zone 1
>is not ready to launch console proxy yet
>2013-04-09 09:12:48,705 DEBUG
>[cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl] (consoleproxy-1:null) Zone 1
>is not ready to launch console proxy yet
>2013-04-09 09:13:18,702 DEBUG
>[cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl] (consoleproxy-1:null) Zone 1
>is not ready to launch console proxy yet
>2013-04-09 09:13:48,701 DEBUG
>[cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl] (consoleproxy-1:null) Zone 1
>is not ready to launch console proxy yet
>2013-04-09 09:13:59,110 WARN
>[cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl] (catalina-exec-20:null)
>Unable to find or allocate console proxy resource
>2013-04-09 09:14:18,704 DEBUG
>[cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl] (consoleproxy-1:null) Zone 1
>is not ready to launch console proxy yet
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kelven Yang [mailto:kelven.y...@citrix.com]
>Sent: 08 April 2013 23:23
>To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
>Subject: Re: issue after upgrade from 2.2.14 to 4.0.0 "Unable to find or
>allocate console proxy resource"
>You need to turn on management server log level instead of that in
>agent.properties. (do it at /etc/cloud/management-server/log4j-cloud.xml"
>). Need to more log info to find what's going on
>On 4/8/13 12:13 PM, "Shashi Dahal" <s.da...@leaseweb.com> wrote:
>>HI Kelvin,
>>Since the console proxy was not working , I deleted it hoping that it
>>would be recreated. Now it is not being re-created  and all I have is
>>the "Unable to find or allocate console proxy resource"  in the logs.
>>I do not have any  console proxy now.
>>From: Kelven Yang [kelven.y...@citrix.com]
>>Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 7:05 PM
>>To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
>>Subject: Re: issue after upgrade from 2.2.14 to 4.0.0  "Unable to find
>>or allocate console proxy resource"
>>What do you see from CloudStack management UI about the running status
>>of console proxy VM?
>>If you can login into console proxy VM, try to find log from within it
>>under /var/log/cloud/systemvm.log
>>On 4/8/13 6:15 AM, "Shashi Dahal" <s.da...@leaseweb.com> wrote:
>>>I did an upgrade from cloudstack 2.2.14 to 4.0.0 following the release
>>>notes "Upgrade from 2.2.14 to 4.0.0-incubating" . I did not had any
>>>issues with the upgrade itself.
>>>I had to change the command :  cloud-sysvmadm -d -u cloud -p
>>>password -c -r   to  cloud-sysvmadm -d -u cloud -p password
>>>-s -r
>>>as the -c is not valid , and accordingly all system VMs were restarted
>>>Stopping and starting 1 secondary storage vm(s)...
>>>Done stopping and starting secondary storage vm(s)
>>>Stopping and starting 1 console proxy vm(s)...
>>>Done stopping and starting console proxy vm(s).
>>>Stopping and starting 1 running routing vm(s)...
>>>Done restarting router(s).
>>>I was able to login to the console proxy and run
>>>/usr/local/cloud/systemvm/ssvm-check.sh  and it reported everything
>>>working fine.
>>>But console did not worked, so I destroyed the console-proxy , as it
>>>would recreate it again.
>>>Now, I end up with this line in the logs:
>>>WARN  [cloud.consoleproxy.ConsoleProxyManagerImpl]
>>>(catalina-exec-20:null) Unable to find or allocate console proxy
>>>I edited the debug level from INFO to DEBUG in agent.properties in the
>>>hypervisors hoping it will show more lines, but that is the only line
>>>I end up with regarding console proxy.
>>>I also doubled the value in consoleproxy.capacity.standby  compared to
>>>consoleproxy.session.max so that it would create a new console proxy,
>>>which it is not.
>>>If you have faced this issue before, please do let me know how to

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