-1 Not in favor of having it on CloudStack Apache Site - does not seem
like appropriate place - unless purely written as collective effort by ACS
community members.

+0 We have Wiki for variable content that is specifically created for
documentation and education purposes. References to books - with large
disclaimer - on wiki are more appropriate. Even so, on the wiki, we should
be somewhat selective on what is posted there to avoid bad publications
that misrepresent ACS - this is obviously long term vision.

On 5/27/13 4:27 AM, "Sebastien Goasguen" <run...@gmail.com> wrote:

>After a relatively long discussion on the marketing@ list about the
>"Packt Book" [1] I would like to call a vote.
>I propose to list CloudStack related books on our website [2]. The page
>listing these books would contain the following disclaimer:
>"This listing does not represent official endorsement by the Apache
>CloudStack project. The Apache CloudStack project does not recommend one
>book versus another nor does it guarantee the quality of the books."
>Inclusion of a book in the listing would be done via a vote on the
>marketing@ list.
>As a quick summary, alternatives to this proposal were to:
>1-not do anything
>2-list the books on the wiki
>A few of us have already expressed their opinions and discussed the
>possibilities. Check [1].
>Vote will be open for 96 hours (To accommodate Memorial day in the USA).
>Reply with:
>[ ] +1  approve
>[ ] +0  no opinion
>[ ] -1  disapprove (and reason why)
>PS: If edits of the disclaimer are needed but that they do not change the
>meaning of it, the disclaimer will be modified but the vote will not be
>[1] http://markmail.org/thread/r4qdmbonmx6yq2uv
>[2] http://cloudstack.apache.org

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