On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 9:54 PM, Ron Wheeler
<rwhee...@artifact-software.com> wrote:
> On 19/06/2013 2:11 PM, Dean Kamali wrote:
>> I have seen number of issues with documentation , specially for KVM
>> deployment.
>> I managed to figure them out quickly without help from anyone.
>> But maybe it will become an issue for other admins
> We all have to figure it out but
>  'You never get a second chance to make a
> first impression'
> And if your first impression is that the package is carelessly packaged,
> full of bugs and hard to install, you may decide that other cloud management
> systems are "better" even though if you persisted with the installation, you
> might get a great setup.
> There is really no excuse for documentation that is wrong.
> However, we do need to take a minute when we find an error or an incomplete
> description, to report it so that it gets fixed.
> If you think that you have found the right answer, add it to the description
> of the bug so that it is easier to fix.

Yes, PLEASE file bugs.


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