On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 11:40 AM, Travis Graham <t...@tgraham.us> wrote:
> With the state of the 4.1 install docs looking pretty much like the 4.0.2 
> instructions, does that mean to get a clean initial install of 4.1 up and 
> running I need to install 4.0.2 and then follow the 4.1 upgrade docs?
> I've tried, initially, to use the 4.1 repos to get things going, but there's 
> no cloud-client equivalent in the repo, so I'm not sure how to get the 
> management server up and working.
> I'm using Ubuntu 12.04.2 for all things and the precise 4.1 repo.
> Not having installed 4.0.2 first, the vhd-util step is also not correct due 
> to the path, but I would assume that's something that gets created when 
> installing cloud-client.
> I know there's been a bug/ticket filed for a "Quick Install" doc for 4.2, but 
> in the meantime what are we supposed to do?
> Thanks,
> Travis

So for RPMs cloud-* would still work, but not debs (IIRC, there's no
concept of 'Provides' unlike in RPM.)

apt-get install cloudstack-management would install the management server.

/me goes to make sure install docs are a hackfest topic for this weekend.


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