Phong is in NYC and previously offered to talk about the LXC
integration that they built for CloudStack.

If he does, it please record video.


On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 8:17 AM, Kelly Hair <> wrote:
> I reached out to Chris Swenson from WebMD after running into him at an event 
> about hosting the 2nd CloudStack User Group meetup.  He obliged with gusto 
> and we're tentatively looking at the first week of September.
> The questions I wanted to pose are:
> - Who should present?
> - What should they cover?
> Since I'm starting the feedback chain – my take:  in the course of my day job 
> on the commercial side, I recently met with Redapt and Basho in NYC and they 
> have both expressed an interest in presenting @ a user group meeting.  
> Additionally, Chris shared that they are talking with Rackware &confirmed 
> with Rackware that they are interested in sharing how they are looking to 
> integrate with Apache CloudStack.  We all know what SolidFire has been doing 
> with the storage plugin in Apache CloudStack 4.2.  Then from the top 
> level/cloud management layer you currently have ScalR, RightScale and 
> Dell/Enstratius. It got me to thinking that since CloudStack's main issue is 
> mind share, perhaps it would be important to not only have regular user group 
> meetups, from a brand awareness perspective, but also to serve as further 
> validation of what we already know – CloudStack just works & has a growing 
> number of integrations.
> Anyhow, thought I'd table this & start the feedback chain of actionable ideas.
> Any thoughts?
> PS -  The NYC CloudStack User Group is hosted on Meetup @  
> PPS – Bad form.. I know.. Anyhow, noticed that there was a suggested to on 
> setting up devcloud (see: 
>  )

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