Thanks Bharat. It would be nice if you can add an example in the FS [1],
an example of calculation.

Say admin decides an overcommit ration for memory = 2. Similarly for cpu.
What does it mean for the capacity of his cluster ?
What does it mean when a vm gets deployed with service offering 1 gb
What would the dashboard look like after the vm is deployed in the cluster.



On 22/08/13 11:33 AM, "Bharat Kumar" <> wrote:

>Hi Dinu,
>you can modify the system service offering for the systems vms and change
>it to 512MB so that when using overcommit (of 4 ) its memory is set to
>128 MB.
>you are right the current memory is set to system offering divided by the
>over provisioning factor.
>On Aug 22, 2013, at 2:05 AM, Dinu Arateanu <>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm testing ACS 4.2 with kvm. I noticed that when one configures
>>mem.overprovisioning.factor Global/Cluster setting, chances are that the
>>System VMs configured with an offer of 128 MB RAM will never start
>>(namely the Domain Router and the SSVM).
>> According to the agent.log, ACS sends libvirt the request to start the
>>VM with a "currentMemory" parameter equal to the System Offering RAM
>>divided by mem.overprovisioning.factor:
>> 2013-08-21 11:02:34,824 DEBUG [cloud.agent.Agent]
>>(agentRequest-Handler-1:null) Request:Seq 1-1537935677:  { Cmd , MgmtId:
>>117981950658, via: 1, Ver: v1, Flags: 100011,
>>nRam":33554432,"maxRam":134217728,"arch":"x86_64","os":"Debian GNU/Linux
>>5.0 (32-bit)","bootArgs":" template=domP name=r-13-VM eth0ip=
>> gateway= dhcprange=
>>eth1ip= eth1mask= type=dhcpsrvr
>> "":"r-13-VM","router.ip":""},"wait":0}},{}] }
>> [...]
>> <name>r-13-VM</name>
>> <uuid>52caa75a-5331-4979-9456-18d1b743b7ad</uuid>
>> <description>Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 (32-bit)</description>
>> [...]
>> <memory>131072</memory>
>> <currentMemory>32768</currentMemory>
>> <devices>
>> <memballoon model='virtio'/>
>> </devices>
>> <vcpu>1</vcpu>
>> <os>
>> <type  arch='x86_64' machine='pc'>hvm</type>
>> <boot dev='cdrom'/>
>> <boot dev='hd'/>
>> </os>
>> <cputune>
>> <shares>125</shares>
>> </cputune>
>> <on_reboot>restart</on_reboot>
>> <on_poweroff>destroy</on_poweroff>
>> <on_crash>destroy</on_crash>
>> </domain>
>> As a result, the System VM will be created, but will never run - 32 MB
>>RAM is too low. I'm not arguing about how recommended it is to set a
>>factor of 4 for memory ballooning (outside testing environments), but
>>rather that ACS should start (at least the System) VMs with a minimum
>>RAM. The virtio_balloon module seems to be loaded within the SVM
>>template, but it does not work.
>> Is there any way to control how much minimum RAM ACS allocates based on
>>the service offering and the overprovisioning factor?
>> Thanks,
>> Dinu

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